Kassandra Kush

  1. Tell us a little about yourself!

– Hello! I live in Brisbane, Australia with my teenage daughter.  I have always loved reading but became seriously addicted when I discovered indie books and being able to buy them at all times of the day thanks to ebooks just fueled this addiction!  I am currently studying psychology and in my spare time work on my own book – this is a dream I have always had and love the opportunity to self publish that now exists.

2. What inspired you/caused you to start your book blog?

– I wanted to help indie authors promote themselves.  Not many of my friends read indie books or even seem to know they exist so I was sharing books on my facebook page and thought why not set up a blog and broadcast my love of these authors and books to a wider base!  I also wanted to meet other readers who are as addicted as I am because I truly think that my friends were sick of hearing me talk about books they had never heard of 😉

3. What is your favorite part of running one?

– I love the community that we are building.  Our blog has been going for about three months or so and we are starting to get to know many of our readers, sharing recommendations back and forth and I love that!  I love the friendship I now have with Nadine thanks to the blog.  I also ADORE meeting and working with authors and watching them succeed.

4. What’s your favorite place and time to read? At home in bed at 2am? Out and about at a coffee shop?

– Well, I seem to do most of my reading in the wee hours lately but I really love it when I have a Saturday or Sunday morning with nothing to do but stay in bed late and read.

5. Kindle or regular book? How did you feel about the Kindle to book transition? Did you fight it at first or dive right in?

– Kindle all the way baby!  But oh man, I fought it!  When I first started reading on my iPhone it was only free books.  I mean, who was going to pay money for a book that they couldn’t put on their shelf and display to the world that they owned it??  Then one night I decided that I NEEDED to read the sample chapters of Fifty Shades to see what all the fuss was so I dragged my iPad out and when I got to the end of those chapters I NEEDED to keep reading so damn it I gave in and bought the trilogy – yes, after refusing to pay a cent for an ebook I spent nearly $30 on a trilogy ebook!!  I needed to know what was in that bloody red room 😉  I haven’t bought a paperback since.

6. Favorite book of all time?

– Oh, that’s a mean question!  Can I name a few??  I still have a special place in my heart for the 50 Shades trilogy especially since I discovered that without that book I would not have met Nadine and our blog would not exist.  I loved The Sea of Tranquility by Katja Millay, Motorcycle Man by Kristen Ashley, The Original Sinners series by Tiffany Reisz.

7. Coolest author you ever got to meet/work with?

– Barbara Cutrera holds a special place in my heart because she was the first author I met through the blog and we have helped each other since and built a friendship;  Lola Stark is a wicked, wicked woman who I love – check out her debut book Tattered Love releasing in September; and lastly, Bella Jewel who has just released her debut novel Hell’s Knights – she let me design her countdown teaser pics and organise her release event and I have loved watching the success of her book so far!

8. Tell us about the woman (women) behind the mask? Err blog!

– Mmmm, you want something more than the standard answer right?!  Random stuff about me – collector of quotes, Pinterest addict (oh holy god, what a time suck this is but I can’t help myself!), tea drinker, mum going through the teenage years (and I thought the terrible twos were bad!), list maker, domestic goddess….ok, that last one is a lie!  I LOVE country music and if I ever come back in another life I hope that I am born in Nashville – there’s hot guys there that look like Keith Urban right??

9. Do you prefer a bunch of quick, sweet stand-alone reads or a long drawn out series of epic proportions?

-I don’t really have a preference so long as there is a hot guy and a lot of steam  😉  I do have to admit though that I don’t like my books to be too short.  A series is good too but if there are cliffhangers then no more than three in the series and don’t release them too far apart because I can’t remember a lot of the details with all the books I read.  Mmm, and I thought I had no preference.

10. Last book you read and how did you rate it?

– Truth by Aleatha Romig – 5 stars for me.  What an amazing book – you’ve got to read it!  But make sure you read the first one in the series Consequences.

12. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

– Paris.  I’ve just always wanted to go there, can’t tell you why but I do.

13. If you could meet any author, who would it be?

– Kristen Ashley!  She is my favourite author but I have a secret to tell you – I haven’t read all her books yet.  Yes, I know that seems weird and my bff who also loves KA can’t believe it but it’s a good feeling knowing that I’ve always got another one of her books left to read.  Yep, I never said it made sense 😉

14. If you could go on a date with any fictional male character, who would it be, from what book?

– You like these hard questions don’t you?!  Well, definitely Christian Grey (50 Shades) because it would be an epic date with no expense spared – Charlie Tango, anyone??  If I picked Gideon (Crossfire series) would there be a limousine involved??  If neither of them are available I will take Tack (Motorcycle Man) or Hawk (Mystery Man).

15. Who is a female character you could see yourself being best friends with?

– Maybe Tyra from Motorcycle Man.

16. Is there a fiction genre you just can’t seem to stand or get into? For me, heavy science fiction is just a no-go.

– Good god, definitely NO sci-fi for me!  I am not into fantasy, ghosts or any of that kind of stuff…vampires are ok but they have been done to death haven’t they?

20. Do you always read several books at once, or just stick to one at a time? The running joke in my family when I was young was asking me how many books I was reading (usually at least five) and laughing when I could recite the plot for every single one!

– I prefer to just have one on the go but sometimes out of necessity for meeting review deadlines I have more than one.

My links:




>>>>>>>>  https://www.facebook.com/KassandraKushAuthor?sk=app_228910107186452 <<<<<<<<<<

4 $5 Amazon Gift Cards

Jeni’s Bookshelf, Reviews, Swag & More Bookmark

Can’t Read Just One t-shirt

C.C Hunter Swag Pack

3 $10 Amazon Gift Cards

1 $2.99 E-Book of Choice

1 E-Book of Choice

Dance with Demons & Angels by Natasha Wetzel

The Edge of Darkness by Melissa Andrea

This Man by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Very Bad Things by Ilsa Madden Mills

Tears of Tess by Pepper Winters

2 E-books under $5

Marked Part 1: The Missing Link by J.M Sevilla

Signed paperback of Guardian & Protector

5 e-copies of Guardian and Protector

5 e-copies of Parts 1-3 of The Things We Can’t Change

5 e-copies of The Summer I Gave Up Boys

5 .99cent e-books of choice

4 $1.99 e-books of choice

1 Signed Indie author swag pack

1 e-copy of Knotted Roots Series by Ruthie Kight

1 e-copy of Burn out by Ruthie Kight

HMU Nadine

1. Tell us a little about yourself!
– Hey there, my name is Nadine and am 27 years old and live in crazy San Francisco. I joined Hook Me Up Book Blog early June this year and love it so far. Well besides the obvious that I love reading, I also love anything tattoo related. I’ve several tattoos and have a very weak spot for tattooed guys 😉 I’m coffee and movie addict, yep; without coffee I wouldn’t be able to function. What else, mmh lets see… oh yeah I’m originally from Germany but moved to the U.S. 5years ago and am now studying, getting my Bachelor in English-Literature, because I really really want to become a book editor. Guess that’s it about me 😉

2. What inspired you/caused you to start your book blog?
– Tamara started the blog; we were friends on GoodReads (bless this site) already and she just asked me out of the blue if I’d like to join and of course I said yes.

3. What is your favorite part of running one?
– Sharing great new books/reviews with people. I love giving recommendations,

4. What’s your favorite place and time to read? At home in bed at 2am? Out and about at a coffee shop?
– Actually I carry my kindle everywhere lol… So I can sneak in some reading time wherever I am. But I prefer reading at home cause some people in public are very annoying and they would only distract me from my current book crush. I’ve no preferred reading time though, anytime is good for me.

5. Kindle or regular book? How did you feel about the Kindle to book transition? Did you fight it at first or dive right in?
– Kindle; it’s lighter to carry around plus I collect certain books (from my favorite authors and wouldn’t like to bend the pages-yes I’m crazy like that). I liked the transition because I think not everyone can buy/carry the books with them. Good example is me, I’m still international student, I could have never bought all the books in paperback cause maybe, who knows, I’ve to leave back home and then I’d be really screwed carrying/packing 100 of books with me. Kind of ridiculous, right? So yes I welcomed e-readers.

6. Favorite book of all time?
– That’s a mean question, same as picking your favorite child. I’ve a ‘all-time-fav’ shelf on GR but I guess I would say 50 Shades, cause this series made me start reading and Christian was indeed my very first book crush. You gotta love his kinky f@ckery 😉

7. Coolest author you ever got to meet/work with?
-Sadly I haven’t met any yet (damn author events are all so far away) but I work closely with few authors and love them.
The coolest for me are: Staci Hart (Good Gods Series), Harper Sloan (love this chick, she cracks me up), and Brooke Cumberland (such a sweetheart)

8. Tell us about the woman (women) behind the mask? Err blog!
– Oh I see you want to know my ‘dirty side/secrets’ huh 😉 Well I’m not married have no kids yet- so yep I’m single. I’m pretty career focused right now and am pushing myself hard to achieve my goals (guess that’s the German gene in me). I’m very open-minded and love to connect with people, but I’m also very straight forward when something bothers me etc. I’m always down doing stupid/fun stuff haha… I can’t say no to puppy or lil kids begging eyes. I love Italian food and men too J I used to be a gym instructor and tortured people in my classes – that was a lot of fun and sometimes I miss it.

9. Do you prefer a bunch of quick, sweet stand-alone reads or a long drawn out series of epic proportions?
– It totally depends on the series. I love trilogies and stand-alone’s equally. I’ve recently read some pretty awesome trilogies. I don’t like when a trilogy miraculously turns into a 5 book series or so; nope, don’t like that.

10. Last book you read and how did you rate it?
– I’ve got pretty lucky and got an ARC of Shooting Scars (The Artists Trilogy#2) by Karina Halle (which is btw my very favorite author of all times). This series, this book was pretty epic. She’s just brilliant and I can’t wait for the final book!!

11. Aside from reading, what else do you do with your time? Or, like me, do things book-related pretty much sum up your life?
– My studies consume most of my time but when I have some spare time I love to go to the movies or have dinner with friends. But most likely I sneak in a book that I had for a long time on my kindle and was dying to read 😉

12. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
– Somewhere tropic would be my choice. I love sun and beach; I could lay for hours on the beach doing nothing.

13. If you could meet any author, who would it be?
– E.L. James because she hooked me on reading. I’ve read her 50 Shades book three times.

14. If you could go on a date with any fictional male character, who would it be, from what book?
– Dex from the Experiment in Terror series or Camden from The Artists Trilogy, which both Karina Halle writes. Both are extremely hot, and a bit twisted in their own way. I love characters with edge; too perfect is boring cause who is perfect?

15. Who is a female character you could see yourself being best friends with?
– Hmm, that’s a tough question, but I would pick Aphrodite from Staci Hart’s Good Gods series. I love that she’s the goddess of love and she’s fun to be around.

16. Is there a fiction genre you just can’t seem to stand or get into? For me, heavy science fiction is just a no-go.
– I agree on the heavy sci-fi but also too cheesy romance stories; I’m a bit bored of them.

17. When I say favorite book cover, what’s the first one to come to mind – since I know there probably can’t be just one?
– Axel and Cage book of Harper Sloan (the original covers). They were pretty hot. But also the book cover of Get Bent; I love inked guys on a cover 😉

19. Were you The Quiet Girl Who Was Always Reading, or did you mainly just read at home in secret?
– Well I never read back in Germany so I was more the outgoing person. I used to do a lot of sports and do things with my dogs and friends.

20. Do you always read several books at once, or just stick to one at a time? The running joke in my family when I was young was asking me how many books I was reading (usually at least five) and laughing when I could recite the plot for every single one!
– I try to stick with only one, to give it my full attention and to be able to write a great review on it. I hate forgetting details or mixing things up.

21. Favorite book to movie adaption?
– Totally 50 Shades, even though I’m afraid the movie won’t do the book justice.

*Personal Facebook link if authors/blogger would like to add me: https://www.facebook.com/nadine.colling.5

* Blogs Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HookMeUpBookBlog

*My GoodReads account cause I like to connect and share books/recommendations: http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/10025732-nadine


>>>>>>>>  https://www.facebook.com/KassandraKushAuthor?sk=app_228910107186452 <<<<<<<<<<

4 $5 Amazon Gift Cards

Jeni’s Bookshelf, Reviews, Swag & More Bookmark

Can’t Read Just One t-shirt

C.C Hunter Swag Pack

3 $10 Amazon Gift Cards

1 $2.99 E-Book of Choice

1 E-Book of Choice

Dance with Demons & Angels by Natasha Wetzel

The Edge of Darkness by Melissa Andrea

This Man by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Very Bad Things by Ilsa Madden Mills

Tears of Tess by Pepper Winters

2 E-books under $5

Marked Part 1: The Missing Link by J.M Sevilla

Signed paperback of Guardian & Protector

5 e-copies of Guardian and Protector

5 e-copies of Parts 1-3 of The Things We Can’t Change

5 e-copies of The Summer I Gave Up Boys

5 .99cent e-books of choice

4 $1.99 e-books of choice

1 Signed Indie author swag pack

1 e-copy of Knotted Roots Series by Ruthie Kight

1 e-copy of Burn out by Ruthie Kight

Liz LogoLiz

  1. Tell us a little about yourself!

My Name is Liz, and I’ve been blogging since February. I’m a registered nurse, I’ve been married for almost 6 years, and I am a total bookaholic! (Go figure, huh?) I love anything to do with the 80’s…especially the music and fashion. I’m completely addicted to gummy bears and coffee! I am also just released my debut novel, In A Heartbeat, Book 1 of The Shameful Regret Series in Novemeber.

  1. What inspired you/caused you to start your book blog?

I’ve always loved to read, and talk about the books that I read. I was writing reviews for another blog for a few months, and I decided that I wanted to branch out and start my own. Romance Addiciton began as a place for me to post reviews of the books that I read on my own, but I have loved every minute and every single person that I have made connections with since.

  1. What is your favorite part of running one?

I’d have to say the people I’ve “met” since I started Romance Addiciton. I have made some amazing friendships with people all over the world. I love talking to other bloggers, authors and readers. I enjoy getting sneak peaks into some of the behind the scenes action that goes into writing a book.

  1. What’s your favorite place and time to read? At home in bed at 2am? Out and about at a coffee shop?

I can read anywhere, anytime. My favorite place to read is curled up on the couch with my zebra snuggie and a big cup of coffee. I actually get up about an hour early before I have to go to work, just so I can have some quiet time with my Kindle.

  1. Kindle or regular book? How did you feel about the Kindle to book transition? Did you fight it at first or dive right in?

I’m a Kindle Addict! I dove right into having a Kindle to read on. I still love my paperbacks though. I buy hard copies of my favorite books just so I can have them a little “closer” to me.

  1. Favorite book of all time?

My favorite book of all time would definitely have to be Gone With The Wind by Margaret Mitchell.

  1. Coolest author you ever got to meet/work with?

I have 2 acutally! The coolest authors I have had the pleasure to work with have become 2 of my best friends and closest confidants. S.K. Hartley and Glenna Maynard. These ladies and I talk at least 20 times a day, and they are like family to me now.

  1. Tell us about the woman (women) behind the mask? Err blog!

It’s just me! Like I said, I’m a nurse full time, and a new author. My husband is VERY understanding with my “book” life. I’m pretty open and easy to get along with. I love my job, and I love reading. When I don’t have my nose buried in my Kindle, or locked away in the writing cave, I spend time with my hubby and family. College football and hiking are also favorite past times.

  1. Do you prefer a bunch of quick, sweet stand-alone reads or a long drawn out series of epic proportions?

It depends, really. I love a good series. Cliffhangers don’t bother me at all (well…at the time I’m reading them, they drive me up the wall, but I love the angst that comes with them). I also like being able to read a stand alone and get my HEA.

  1. Last book you read and how did you rate it?

The last book I read was an ARC of Remy by Katy Evans that I had the amazing opportunity of being part of the blog tour. It was 5 Sexy and Amazing Stars!

  1. Aside from reading, what else do you do with your time? Or, like me, do things book-related pretty much sum up your life?

Bookish things are most of my time aside from work. Like I said, college football, hiking and hanging out with my family.

  1. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

I would love to go back to Italy. I love my Italian heritage, and I the 2 weeks I spent over there when I got married wasn’t near enough! Not to mention the food and the sexy Italian men!

  1. If you could meet any author, who would it be?

Molly McAdams! I need to meet the woman that introduced me to the character that made me understand and embrace the concept of “Book Boyfriends!” I love and miss Chase dearly!

  1. If you could go on a date with any fictional male character, who would it be, from what book?

Logan White from S.K. Hartley’s Finding You! I have claimed Logan as my “Book Husband” and if I could go on a date with that sexy man, I think I could die happy.

  1. Who is a female character you could see yourself being best friends with?

That’s tough. My favorite female character would have to be Rylee Thomas from the Driven Trilogy by K. Bromberg. She is strong and funny as hell! I think she would be a blast to hang out with.

  1. Is there a fiction genre you just can’t seem to stand or get into? For me, heavy science fiction is just a no-go.

I don’t think I could ever really get into fantasy all that much. Paranormal is a stretch for me, but there have been several that I have fallen in love with.

  1. When I say favorite book cover, what’s the first one to come to mind – since I know there probably can’t be just one?

The first cover that popped in my mind as a favorite is Tangled by Emma Chase. A half naked man lying in only a sheet covering the “important” parts…SEXY!

  1. What was the series in childhood that got you hooked on reading? For me, my mom forced me to read Little House on the Prairie for school which I ended up loving, and then I found the Redwall series and I just never stopped!

I read all of the Babysitter Club books. They started my love of reading. Then I quickly moved onto others.

  1. Were you The Quiet Girl Who Was Always Reading, or did you mainly just read at home in secret?

I don’t think I could ever be described as quiet. I read all the time, but I was always pretty outgoing.

  1. Do you always read several books at once, or just stick to one at a time? The running joke in my family when I was young was asking me how many books I was reading (usually at least five) and laughing when I could recite the plot for every single one!

I tend to read 2 or 3 at a time. My friends think it’s crazy that I can keep all the plot lines straight and I can basically describe the entire book even months later.

  1. Favorite book to movie adaption?

I loved Dan Brown’s Angels and Demons and The DaVinci Code books and I think the movies were well done.

Liz is actually a budding author and has shared her synopsis and links to her debut novel, so be sure to add it to your TBR list!!!
For the past eight years I haven’t been living, just … Existing.The pain, the guilt, and the shame I carry have been locked away deep inside me for so long that it’s impenetrable, until him. Until Connor Reeves.

With a sexy smile and seductive eyes, the bad boy rocker walked right into my life without warning, and now the walls I built that hid all of my grief for so long are now crumbling at my feet.

Now I am left wondering if it’s possible that just as life can cause pain, it can also heal wounds in a heartbeat.



>>>>>>>>  https://www.facebook.com/KassandraKushAuthor?sk=app_228910107186452 <<<<<<<<<<

4 $5 Amazon Gift Cards

Jeni’s Bookshelf, Reviews, Swag & More Bookmark

Can’t Read Just One t-shirt

C.C Hunter Swag Pack

3 $10 Amazon Gift Cards

1 $2.99 E-Book of Choice

1 E-Book of Choice

Dance with Demons & Angels by Natasha Wetzel

The Edge of Darkness by Melissa Andrea

This Man by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Very Bad Things by Ilsa Madden Mills

Tears of Tess by Pepper Winters

2 E-books under $5

Marked Part 1: The Missing Link by J.M Sevilla

Signed paperback of Guardian & Protector

5 e-copies of Guardian and Protector

5 e-copies of Parts 1-3 of The Things We Can’t Change

5 e-copies of The Summer I Gave Up Boys

5 .99cent e-books of choice

4 $1.99 e-books of choice

1 Signed Indie author swag pack

1 e-copy of Knotted Roots Series by Ruthie Kight

1 e-copy of Burn out by Ruthie Kight

                                    Anitra      Anitra Kids

1. Tell us a little about yourself!

Well, I’m Anitra Townsend, creator/founder (whatever you’d call it), and currently ONLY blogger of Can’t Read Just One. I just recently lost Kris Adams, my partner in crime, as she has gone on to start her own promotions company. I’m in the “30-somethings club,” I am an AVID book reader, and self-proclaimed “Book-Geek” and proud of it. I’ve got a Bachelor’s of Arts Degree in Psychology, and working towards my Master’s Degree in Counseling. I’ve been married for 8 years.  We have two awesome lil stinkers, Ostin (pronounced like Austin) age 6 and Zaria age 5. I was born in Ellsworth, Maine, but raised in Omaha, Nebraska (where I currently reside). I direct two college preparatory programs (Classic Upward Bound and the Upward Bound Math & Science Center) at Creighton University, one of the Top Ten Colleges/Universities in the Midwest. I’m a wife and mother first, whenever there are major lapses in my blogging it’s probably due to “My Junior Booksters” and all their school and sports activities. I love being a Mommy, it’s probably the only thing I love more than reading J

2. What inspired you/caused you to start your book blog?

Well, I used to read all the time when I was younger, then I got married, had kids and reading kind of took a back seat.  For about 5 years I didn’t read at all.  Then about a year and a half ago (somewhere in there) my HUSBAND bought me E.L. James’ Fifty Shades of Grey and I read it, and never stopped reading since.  It became an addiction quickly.  In my town, I don’t belong to any book clubs, and I only have a couple of girlfriends who read as much as I do.  The blog idea came to me in March 2013 as a way to talk about books with other people who love to read. I didn’t realize there was such a HUGE book world out there, now, I’m totally ingrained in it, and loving every minute of it.

3. What is your favorite part of running one?

Hands down my favorite part of blogging is meeting all the awesome people I’ve met. Not just the AMAZING authors (although meeting them could be reason enough), but fellow bloggers, and just other people who LOVE to read as much as I do.  Makes me feel less “geeky” lol when I’m surrounded by people who are just like me.

4. What’s your favorite place and time to read? At home in bed at 2am? Out and about at a coffee shop?

I love to read in bed, at any time of the day.  I’ve been late to work (or missed it altogether) several times due to my comfy reading spot.  I do it as often as I can.

HOWEVER, being a mom to 2 kids actively involved in sports and school activities, I’ve found reading during their various practices have become my new “reading spot.”

5. Kindle or regular book? How did you feel about the Kindle to book transition? Did you fight it at first or dive right in?

There really wasn’t a big transition for me.  To be honest, I only bought my kindle because of The Black Dagger Brotherhood by J.R. Ward.  TRUE STORY:  My friend recommended Dark Lover (book 1 in the BDB series) and I had to order it from Barnes and Noble because they didn’t have it in stock.  I read the book in like a day, went back to the story and ordered the next 3 books in the series.  Did I happen to mention I’m not patient when it comes to book series and characters I love?  Well waiting on B&N to get my books in was taking too long, so I ran out and bought a Kindle, finished all 11 books in The Black Dagger Brotherhood series in about I month.  The instant gratification of amazon’s little “one-click” button is addicting. I’ve been Kindle obsessed ever since! (I still bought the paperbacks when my order came in  #BookGeek)

I love my Kindle, I NEVER leave home without it!  It is attached to me like another appendage lol  My kids will even say, “Mommy are you on your kindle again?!?!”  I still love the feel of a REAL book though.  I’m not picky at all. Give me a good book, I don’t care if it’s paperback hard cover, on kindle, on iPad, on iPhone, it’s gonna get read!

6. Favorite book of all time?

Like my blog title “Can’t Read Just One,” I can’t pick just one favorite book.  If you were twisting my arm and I could only give you ONE title, I guess I would go with  Outlander by Diana Gabaldon.  Can’t wait until March 2014 when the Showtime television series airs.

7. Coolest author you ever got to meet/work with?

Indie Author Anna Applegate. We clicked almost instantly, and now we talk about everything from books to movies to just life in general.  AMAZING woman, and her Ariya Adam’s Trilogy is  great as well. Protected is book 1 and Awakened is book 2.

Again, it’s hard to pick just one.  I LOVE Erica Stevens and I’ve got to meet with her, I did a book trailer for her Captive Series. She is an awesome lady as well.

9. Do you prefer a bunch of quick, sweet stand-alone reads or a long drawn out series of epic proportions?

I love a good stand alone, REMINDER….I’m the IMPATIENT QUEEN! Waiting for the next book in a series often turns me into a CRAZY lady..lol  I was lucky all 3 Fifty Shades of Grey books where released when I started or else I probably would have had a CORONARY waiting to see what happened next with Christian and Ana!!!  The same thing with The Black Dagger Brotherhood, 10 books were released already when I started reading the series.

I LOVE an epic series, and getting the opportunity to read more of the characters you fall in love  with, but I’ve learned that I like to wait until at least 2 books in a trilogy are released before I start reading.  OR, I wait until the series is complete and start.  I’m just weird like that I guess, I’m one of those “NEED TO KNOW” people, so waiting a year or more to find out more drives me bonkers!!!

10. Last book you read and how did you rate it?

UnAttainable by Madeline Sheehan. I would totally give it 5 stars, because I love her UnDeniable series.  I’ve had the opportunity to interact with her, and she’s another awesome author. I’ve done 2 book trailers for her and I’m working on my 3rd book trailer for her now J  Her books just bring out sooo many emotions, her characters are raw and real….they are not your cookie  cutter, “rainbows and butterflies” love stories…they are gritty and dirty and not what I normally get into, but I totally LOVE her books.

11. Aside from reading, what else do you do with your time? Or, like me, do things book-related pretty much sum up your life?

Things book related totally take over…when I’m not reading I’m working on book trailers lately…or talking about books that I’ve read with my “book besties.” Some days I feel like I have books on the brain!!  I’m blessed to be a Mommy, so my time is filled with dance class, flag football practice, basketball practices, then games…I’m the room parent chairperson for my kid’s elementary school, so my time is spent making sure there are parents signed up to host all the class parties for each grade level k-6 (21 classrooms)…so I find, most days, I have NO free time…but when that miracle happens, you can usually find my nose embedded in a book/kindle.

12. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

I would LOVE to go to Italy, thanks to Sienna Mynx and her Battaglia Mafia Series.

13. If you could meet any author, who would it be?

Anna Applegate.

Patty Maximini

J.L. Durfey

Violette Dubrinsky.

Sienna Mynx

J.R. Ward.

Katy Evans (just to give her a hug for creating all of the HOTNESS that is Remington “Riptide” Tate)

I could keep going, but I think I’m breaking the rules by listing this many

14. If you could go on a date with any fictional male character, who would it be, from what book?

Hmmmm….your questions just keep getting harder and harder…

I think I’ll go with Jessie Ward, Lord of the Manor, from Jodi Ellen Malpas’s This Man Trilogy.  He seems like he is fun and could show a girl a good time on a date  (and we could shake our booties to a lil Justin Timberlake lol)

15. Who is a female character you could see yourself being best friends with?

I would say either Mira from Sienna Mynx’s Battaglia Mafia Series or Caroline from Anna Applegate’s Ariya Adam’s Trilogy.

16. Is there a fiction genre you just can’t seem to stand or get into? For me, heavy science fiction is just a no-go.

I have pretty much read a book from every genre of literature, I don’t think I would adamantly say I “can’t stand” any of them.  I guess for me it’s more of a certain type of storyline I can’t get into; books that deal with glorifying abusive situations or where the characters are taking pleasure in giving/receiving violent abuse.  Me-no-likey those kinds of book, no matter the genre.

17. When I say favorite book cover, what’s the first one to come to mind – since I know there probably can’t be just one?

lol…you just did a funny with my blog title! lol….I would have to say the first book cover that popped into my head is Splintered by A.G. Howard

18. What was the series in childhood that got you hooked on reading? For me, my mom forced me to read Little House on the Prairie for school which I ended up loving, and then I found the Redwall series and I just never stopped!

I would say Ramona the Pest by Beverly Clearly is the childhood book series that sparked my love for reading.  I read every single one of those books.  My mom took me to the public library often, so I would always check out a Ramona Quimby book, even if I’d already read it.  Then as I got older, the Sweet Valley Twins/Sweet Valley High series by Francine Pascal.  I’ve literally been reading since I was 5yrs. old.

19. Were you The Quiet Girl Who Was Always Reading, or did you mainly just read at home in secret?

Definitely the quiet girl that was always reading.  I have a sister 6 yrs. older than me, she was the pretty, out-going, popular one.  So I’ve always been the “other Doleman girl”  (Doleman is my maiden name)

20. Do you always read several books at once, or just stick to one at a time? The running joke in my family when I was young was asking me how many books I was reading (usually at least five) and laughing when I could recite the plot for every single one!

I have to focus on one at a time.  I’ve tried to read several books at once and I don’t do to well at it.  So kudos to you for being able to do that!

21. Favorite book to movie adaption?

Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen



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4 $5 Amazon Gift Cards

Jeni’s Bookshelf, Reviews, Swag & More Bookmark

Can’t Read Just One t-shirt

C.C Hunter Swag Pack

3 $10 Amazon Gift Cards

1 $2.99 E-Book of Choice

1 E-Book of Choice

Dance with Demons & Angels by Natasha Wetzel

The Edge of Darkness by Melissa Andrea

This Man by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Very Bad Things by Ilsa Madden Mills

Tears of Tess by Pepper Winters

2 E-books under $5

Marked Part 1: The Missing Link by J.M Sevilla

Signed paperback of Guardian & Protector

5 e-copies of Guardian and Protector

5 e-copies of Parts 1-3 of The Things We Can’t Change

5 e-copies of The Summer I Gave Up Boys

5 .99cent e-books of choice

4 $1.99 e-books of choice

1 Signed Indie author swag pack

1 e-copy of Knotted Roots Series by Ruthie Kight

1 e-copy of Burn out by Ruthie Kight

Bookend 2 Bookend Logo    

Bookend 2 Bookend Blogger pic

What inspired you/caused you to start your book blog?

Simple. Books. I want to share everything I read and love with others! 🙂

What is your favorite part of running one? The people I meet who in turn become someone I can call friend. I love interacting with everyone who has the same interest as me: books!!! When I ask “what are you reading today?” I REALLY want to know! I’m really interested in what people find interesting! Lol

What’s your favorite place and time to read? At home in bed at 2am? Out and about at a coffee shop? In my bed snuggled under my blankets. Or on my couch snuggled under a throw. Accompanied with my two furbabies! I love to read snuggled with my dogs! ❤

Kindle or regular book? How did you feel about the Kindle to book transition? Did you fight it at first or dive right in? Kindle! Funny thing is I was so mad at it! I was like who would put their precious paperbacks down to read off a hard electronic thing!!! Lol now I can’t live without it!! I can carry every darn book I have ever loved with me! Who doesn’t want that!?

Favorite book of all time? Where the Red Fern Grows and The Secret Garden!!!! All time faves from when I was a kid! The Secret Garden was the first book that have me my love of reading! Then came Where the Red Fern Grows! From there I was hooked! 🙂

Coolest author you ever got to meet/work with? What’s up with all these hard questions!! Hahaha I have to say just about every author I ever had the pleasure of working with I have loved! So for that list you can head to my blog! Lol they’re all there with every book I’ve ever shared! ❤  

Tell us about the woman (women) behind the mask? Err blog! I’m just a simple girl that loves to read and share reading with others. 🙂  

Do you prefer a bunch of quick, sweet stand-alone reads or a long drawn out series of epic proportions? Depends on my moods! I can do anything! Sometimes I want a quick book that won’t keep me up through the night and other times I want a long drawn out saga! 🙂  

Last book you read and how did you rate it? I recently reread Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls! It is one of my favorite childhood books and I still have the original copy given to me when I was a kid. So I popped it open and read it with my daughter! She loved it too!  

Aside from reading, what else do you do with your time? Or, like me, do things book-related pretty much sum up your life? Pretty much book related, but I love to craft! I make jewelry, sew, and just create! 🙂  

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? Australia, Ireland! Oh and Italy! They all just look so beautiful and their landscapes remind me of the places I go to in my head when reading a book. 🙂

 If you could meet any author, who would it be? Do we have time for the 100+ on my list?  

If you could go on a date with any fictional male character, who would it be, from what book? Devlin! From Author Belinda Boring’s The Mystic Wolves series! That vampire is sexy!!!

Who is a female character you could see yourself being best friends with? Another hard one!! There are so many characters that have been created by so many authors. I couldn’t just pick one!

Is there a fiction genre you just can’t seem to stand or get into? For me, heavy science fiction is just a no-go. Westerns. Can’t do them. Don’t even try. :/  

When I say favorite book cover, what’s the first one to come to mind – since I know there probably can’t be just one? Oooooh hard one!! Okay first to come to mind though was A Shade of a Vampire by Bella Forrest. I read it recently so it’s probably the reason!!! I love the cover!!

What was the series in childhood that got you hooked on reading? For me, my mom forced me to read Little House on the Prairie for school which I ended up loving, and then I found the Redwall series and I just never stopped! I can remember The boxcar kids series!!! And then when I grew a bit older BC Andrews books!!! Still love to see them in the bookstores! Brings a smile to my face!  

Were you The Quiet Girl Who Was Always Reading, or did you mainly just read at home in secret? I always read. I’ve always been the girl surrounded by books! 🙂

Do you always read several books at once, or just stick to one at a time? The running joke in my family when I was young was asking me how many books I was reading (usually at least five) and laughing when I could recite the plot for every single one! It depends on my mood! Sometimes I can read up to five some days my life is too busy and can fit just one! 🙂  

Favorite book to movie adaption? Hands down ‘The Notebook’ by Nicholas Sparks! Love, love, love that movie and book!!!



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4 $5 Amazon Gift Cards

Jeni’s Bookshelf, Reviews, Swag & More Bookmark

Can’t Read Just One t-shirt

C.C Hunter Swag Pack

3 $10 Amazon Gift Cards

1 $2.99 E-Book of Choice

1 E-Book of Choice

Dance with Demons & Angels by Natasha Wetzel

The Edge of Darkness by Melissa Andrea

This Man by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Very Bad Things by Ilsa Madden Mills

Tears of Tess by Pepper Winters

2 E-books under $5

Marked Part 1: The Missing Link by J.M Sevilla

Signed paperback of Guardian & Protector

5 e-copies of Guardian and Protector

5 e-copies of Parts 1-3 of The Things We Can’t Change

5 e-copies of The Summer I Gave Up Boys

5 .99cent e-books of choice

4 $1.99 e-books of choice

1 Signed Indie author swag pack

1 e-copy of Knotted Roots Series by Ruthie Kight

1 e-copy of Burn out by Ruthie Kight

Justine – Chief Admin of Bex ‘n’ Books AKA Bex’s Sidekick

What inspired you/caused you to start your book blog? 

Becky stalked me. Not really, but it all happened pretty damn quick. I was a follower of Bex ‘n’ Books and Becky (aka. Bex) put out a call for reviewers. I had developed a love for reading at a later age and was gobbling down about a book a day, subconsciously making up for lost time. Needless to say, reviewing was cheaper than a 12-step program, so I decided to PM her. We MS’d for a few hrs. Then out of nowhere, she pops the question, “Will you admin for me?” I thought she was a nutbag, but I said yes anyway (hmmm…what’s that say about me?). The rest is history, well documented by Facebook.

What is your favorite part of running one?

I suffer from bouts depression, am a stay home mother of 4. I don’t drive. My husband is my only live friend since we moved over 4 yrs ago to a new state, so I knew no one, plus we live in the mountains 20 min. from EVERYTHING!!

Becky have given me an outlet of expression, wonderful new friends (some have even become my best friends even though I will probably never meet them), and a purpose. One of the major causes of my depression is the fact that I don’t work and my husband works like a dog to pay for EVERYTHING! I feel like I’m not doing my part and contributing. Unlike some, I love working and contributing to the household. The kids are too young to leave, and Marc’s head would explode if he had to spend more than 4 hrs alone with the kids, also Marc can make 3x what I could if he takes overtime instead of me working.

The blog and FB page have given me an outlet to funnel this issue I have and a feeling as though I am contributing to something. It means the world me.

Favorite book to movie adaption?

It’s a tie

Alice (2009) the TV Mini-Series


Pride & Prejudice (2005) the movie

If you could meet any author, who would it be?

Kristen Ashley. ……. Then again, I’d probably have biggest FANgasim and embarrass myself.

Coolest author you ever got to meet/work with?

AJ Lape, she’s a big old dork like me!

Kindle or regular book? How did you feel about the Kindle to book transition? Did you fight it at first or dive right in?

I started my reading on my desktop, so I didn’t have any real transition. If I know I will want to savour a book, I will get it in paperback; I read CRAZY fast on my iPad.

Favorite book of all time?

Well, that would be books….

The Rock Chick Series by Kristen Ashley. Followed by her Dream Man Series in a VERY close second place.

Is there a fiction genre you just can’t seem to stand or get into? For me, heavy science fiction is just a no-go.

Dystopia!!! ….. I am also very picky about my paranormal reads:

No aliens

No voodoo

No Horror

I know there are a few more….. Guess you can see I’m a HUGE pain in Becky’s ass!

When I say favorite book cover, what’s the first one to come to mind – since I know there probably can’t be just one?

Grade ‘A’ Stupid by AJ Lape

Do you prefer a bunch of quick, sweet stand-alone reads or a long drawn out series of epic proportions?

It really depends on my mood and the author. I try to keep it mixed up; otherwise, I tend to find myself in a book-funk.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

A three-month tour of Ireland, England, and Scotland. Why three months? Simple, I want to savour each country.



>>>>>>>>  https://www.facebook.com/KassandraKushAuthor?sk=app_228910107186452 <<<<<<<<<<

4 $5 Amazon Gift Cards

Jeni’s Bookshelf, Reviews, Swag & More Bookmark

Can’t Read Just One t-shirt

C.C Hunter Swag Pack

3 $10 Amazon Gift Cards

1 $2.99 E-Book of Choice

1 E-Book of Choice

Dance with Demons & Angels by Natasha Wetzel

The Edge of Darkness by Melissa Andrea

This Man by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Very Bad Things by Ilsa Madden Mills

Tears of Tess by Pepper Winters

2 E-books under $5

Marked Part 1: The Missing Link by J.M Sevilla

Signed paperback of Guardian & Protector

5 e-copies of Guardian and Protector

5 e-copies of Parts 1-3 of The Things We Can’t Change

5 e-copies of The Summer I Gave Up Boys

5 .99cent e-books of choice

4 $1.99 e-books of choice

1 Signed Indie author swag pack

1 e-copy of Knotted Roots Series by Ruthie Kight

1 e-copy of Burn out by Ruthie Kight

1. Tell us a little about yourself!

I’m Bex of Bex ‘n’ Books. When my head isn’t stuck in my Kindle, I’m usually attached to my laptop blogging, whipping Justine (my surrogate niece) or editing. Somehow, I manage to squeeze in the time to cuddle my sexy hubby and gorgeous six year old in between the madness. I live in Australia, but I’m British born. J

2. What inspired you/caused you to start your book blog?

Two years ago, I became absorbed in the Indie community via blog and Facebook. After fan-girling over Stephanie Rowe, I decided to open my blog Bex ‘n’ Books and then my Facebook page. Since then, I’ve been completely embroiled with the blogging and bookie community.

3. What is your favorite part of running one?

Not the hours for sure. It does pretty much take over my life. I have been able to strike some semblance of balance though since Justine joined, plus I have a few regular folk who review for me. I love the bookie community. I have made many genuine friends. Without them, I think life would be a sadder place. It’s also about giving back to the amazing authors who enthrall me with their awesomeness. The free books help too! Oh, and book porn; I have an excuse to read hot as hell books. Yay for my life!

4. What’s your favorite place and time to read? At home in bed at 2am? Out and about at a coffee shop?

Anytime obviously. J The reality is after 11pm after my day is done. I love to snuggle in bed with my Kindle Fire. It’s also handy having my hubby close-by. J

5. Kindle or regular book? How did you feel about the Kindle to book transition? Did you fight it at first or dive right in?

I dove headfirst into ebooks and have not looked back. Sometimes, I’ll by a paperback, but to be honest, the convenience of space spacing and instant reading far outweighs any ‘issues’ with reading ebooks.

6. Favorite book of all time?

I have different books that I reread again and again, depending on my mood. I love Little Women. This was my favorite book as a child. Pride and Prejudice is my favorite classic and a contemporary book that would by one of my favorites – eek, just one; I’m having palpitations – is Full Moon Rising by Keri Arthur

7. Coolest author you ever got to meet/work with?

Lola Stark. Love this woman! I’ve worked alongside Lola over the last couple of years. I’m also lucky enough to be her editor. I get to stalk her in the flesh in March when I head to the Gold Coast, Australia, for the Indie Authors Down Under Convention.

8. Tell us about the woman (women) behind the mask? Err blog!

I hate drama and bookie politics. It drives me insane. *sings: Why can’t we all just get along…* I’m passionate about everything I get involved in, which is exhausting. I cry regularly when reading, and I have be known to pee myself a little when reading a freakin’ hilarious book.

9. Do you prefer a bunch of quick, sweet stand-alone reads or a long drawn out series of epic proportions?

Again, this depends on my mood. I’m a HUGE fan of novellas. Sometimes, I need a quick and satisfying fix. Although, epic reads in a series can get me all hot and sweaty in expectation.

10. Last book you read and how did you rate it?

Permanent by Kim Carmichael – 4 lovely fairies.

11. Aside from reading, what else do you do with your time? Or, like me, do things book-related pretty much sum up your life?

Book-related everything! I run Hot Tree Editing, yep, more bookie stuff! So lots of my ‘spare’ *ha!* time is spent editing fabulous books. For family time, we have two lovely dogs who we enjoy walking. Plus, we like to camp as often as possible during the spring and autumn.

12. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

Pennsylvania – huh! Do I hear you cry? – well, my wonderful surrogate niece and Bex ‘n’ Books admin, Justine, lives there. A cuddle, followed by an intense drinking session is long overdue.

13. If you could meet any author, who would it be?

Teresa Gabelman – I would LOVE to meet her. She rocks my socks! Darn America seems so far away. I have so much time, adoration and respect for Teresa as both a woman and an author. I have seen her hone in her skills over the last couple of years, and chase her dream with unending passion. Yet all the time, she remains modest and true. Bloody LOVE her.

15. Who is a female character you could see yourself being best friends with?

Merit from Chicagoland Vampires would be a kickass friend to have.

16. Is there a fiction genre you just can’t seem to stand or get into? For me, heavy science fiction is just a no-go.

War books? :/

18. What was the series in childhood that got you hooked on reading? For me, my mom forced me to read Little House on the Prairie for school which I ended up loving, and then I found the Redwall series and I just never stopped!

I loved What Katy Did series

19. Were you The Quiet Girl Who Was Always Reading, or did you mainly just read at home in secret?

I read loud and proud throughout my childhood and adulthood. I’m far too much of a gob-shite (awesome colloquial British phrase for you there) to be quiet and retiring.

20. Do you always read several books at once, or just stick to one at a time? The running joke in my family when I was young was asking me how many books I was reading (usually at least five) and laughing when I could recite the plot for every single one!

Lots – one on each device – Kindle, Kindle Fire, iPad, iPhone and paperback. It’s useful in case of the need for an emergency read. Not on my laptop though. That’s editing reading only.

21. Favorite book to movie adaption?

Twilight saga. I ❤ Robert.









>>>>>>>>  https://www.facebook.com/KassandraKushAuthor?sk=app_228910107186452 <<<<<<<<<<

4 $5 Amazon Gift Cards

Jeni’s Bookshelf, Reviews, Swag & More Bookmark

Can’t Read Just One t-shirt

C.C Hunter Swag Pack

3 $10 Amazon Gift Cards

1 $2.99 E-Book of Choice

1 E-Book of Choice

Dance with Demons & Angels by Natasha Wetzel

The Edge of Darkness by Melissa Andrea

This Man by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Very Bad Things by Ilsa Madden Mills

Tears of Tess by Pepper Winters

2 E-books under $5

Marked Part 1: The Missing Link by J.M Sevilla

Signed paperback of Guardian & Protector

5 e-copies of Guardian and Protector

5 e-copies of Parts 1-3 of The Things We Can’t Change

5 e-copies of The Summer I Gave Up Boys

5 .99cent e-books of choice

4 $1.99 e-books of choice

1 Signed Indie author swag pack

1 e-copy of Knotted Roots Series by Ruthie Kight

1 e-copy of Burn out by Ruthie Kight

 Tell us a little about yourself!

I live in Pennsylvania with my husband and two beautiful daughters. I keep busy
taking care of my children and working as a Mobile Therapist for families with
Autistic children. When I am not doing those things, I am reading! I love any
book that I can learn something from, or “get lost in”.

What’s your favorite place and time to read? At home in bed at 2am? Out and about at a coffee shop?

My husband works really crazy hours and I am often alone at night. My favorite time to read is after I put the kids to bed. I sit on my bed, often with a glass of wine, and read until my husband gets home. I have no distractions and it is my favorite “me” time.

Kindle or regular book?

I never thought I’d say this but I LOVE my Kindle and Nook! I fought the eBook transition with everything I had. I would bring home piles of books from the library and they would sit on my nightstand. It wasn’t unusual for me to have 6 or more books at a time. My friends always told me how much they loved their eBooks and encouraged me to check it out. I purchased a Nook for my birthday and the rest is history.

Favorite book of all time?

How can you ask that?! I can’t narrow it down! Ok, if I HAVE to pick, I would say The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd.

When Lily’s fierce-hearted black “stand-in mother,” Rosaleen, insults three of the town’s most vicious racists, Lily decides they should both escape to Tiburon, South Carolina—a town that holds the secret to her mother’s past. There they are taken in by an eccentric trio of black beekeeping sisters who introduce Lily to a mesmerizing world of bees, honey, and the Black Madonna who presides over their household. This is a remarkable story about divine female power and the transforming power of love—a story that women will share and pass on to their daughters for years to come.

It is truly an inspirational novel.

 Do you prefer a bunch of quick, sweet stand-alone reads or a long drawn out series of epic proportions?

Last book you read and how did you rate it?

The last ARC I read for the blog was Seductive Secrecy by Marni Mann. I gave it 4 stars. It is the second book in the Shadows series. This author is an amazing story teller. I truly enjoyed it and highly recommend reading both Seductive Shadows (Shadows #1) and Seductive Secrecy (Shadows #2).

Aside from reading, what else do you do with your time? Or, like me, do things book-related pretty much sum up your life?

When I am not reading, I’m either taking care of my kids, in the car driving to swim practice, or I am working. I am a part time Mobile Therapist for children with Autism. I do individual, couples and family therapy. It is very rewarding and makes me appreciate the life that I have. Oh and I love to cook and bake!

 If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

I know this sounds silly, but I saw a picture of Greece on a calendar and ever since, I have wanted to travel there. It was a picture of white houses and buildings on a cliff with the most beautiful, blue water I have ever seen. I recently watched a food show on Greece and was intrigued, since I am a foodie at heart. I am an adventurous eater and am willing to try anything once!

 If you could go on a date with any fictional male character, who would it be, from what book?

This is a no brainer…Jesse Ward from This Man.

Who is a female character you could see yourself being best friends with?

I have to say there are two. The first one would be if I was still in my 20’s and the second would be for now. The first would be Krista from Lost and Found by R F Breene. Krista is hysterical! She is goofy, extremely clumsy and she parties hard! I love all the funny situations she gets into and I think it would be super fun to be her bestie.  The second would be Claire from Seduction and Snacks by Tara Sivec. I like Claire for the same reasons as for Krista, although I think Claire and I would have more in common now (being mothers). Claire shows readers that you can still have fun after having kids; you just can’t take yourself too seriously.

Is there a fiction genre you just can’t seem to stand or get into? For me, heavy science fiction is just a no-go.

Another no brainer…Paranormal. I hate it and will not give it a chance if it has any vampires, werewolves, ghosts or time travel.

What was the series in childhood that got you hooked on reading? For me, my mom forced me to read Little House on the Prairie for school which I ended up loving, and then I found the Redwall series and I just never stopped!

When I was a kid I was really into horseback riding so any books that were about horses caught my attention. When I was really young, I started reading the Billy and Blaze books. I still have them and they are amongst the books I read to my kids.

  Were you The Quiet Girl Who was Always Reading, or did you mostly just read at home in secret?

I definitely read a lot as a kid, but I was also a tomboy who mostly played outside, went swimming, climbed trees and rode my horse during the day. We weren’t allowed to be in the house during the day. My mom wanted us active and outside so I usually read at night.

 Favorite book to movie adaption?

I really like The Hunger Games and Harry Potter.



>>>>>>>>  https://www.facebook.com/KassandraKushAuthor?sk=app_228910107186452 <<<<<<<<<<

4 $5 Amazon Gift Cards

Jeni’s Bookshelf, Reviews, Swag & More Bookmark

Can’t Read Just One t-shirt

C.C Hunter Swag Pack

3 $10 Amazon Gift Cards

1 $2.99 E-Book of Choice

1 E-Book of Choice

Dance with Demons & Angels by Natasha Wetzel

The Edge of Darkness by Melissa Andrea

This Man by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Very Bad Things by Ilsa Madden Mills

Tears of Tess by Pepper Winters

2 E-books under $5

Marked Part 1: The Missing Link by J.M Sevilla

Signed paperback of Guardian & Protector

5 e-copies of Guardian and Protector

5 e-copies of Parts 1-3 of The Things We Can’t Change

5 e-copies of The Summer I Gave Up Boys

5 .99cent e-books of choice

4 $1.99 e-books of choice

1 Signed Indie author swag pack

1 e-copy of Knotted Roots Series by Ruthie Kight

1 e-copy of Burn out by Ruthie Kight

Tell us about yourself!

I am a confessed bookaholic from outside of Lancaster, PA where I live with my Husband of 14 years, our three rambunctious kids, three dogs and a cat. I have my BA in English Literature which led me to working in advertising for several years before becoming a Stay at Home Mom.  When I am not playing chauffer, nurse, cook and laundry fairy, I am reading or blogging. I also love wine. Oh, and my fabulous book club ladies. Without them, my life would be very boring…

1.       What is your favorite place and time to read?

I can read anytime, anywhere. I am never without a device to read on whether it be my Kindle, Nook or iPhone. If I had to choose one place though, it would be my bed after my kids have turned in for the night. Listening to my dogs snore and my soft covers make for a heavenly reading experience. I have a kickass bed – it is perfect for snuggling down and reading!

2.       Kindle or regular book?

I am a junkie and I have a serious problem. To date I own 2 Kindles, 2 Nooks and my iPhone to read on. I love the convenience of an ereader. They are so easy to travel with and fit right in my purse. But that being said, I can never fully give up regular books. I have a love affair with the smell of books, especially old, thick novels. My husband took me to Baltimore Harbor one year for our anniversary and made sure to take me to Johns Hopkins Library so that I could smell and touch the old books there. There is something about the sound a page makes when it turns, the whispering promise of more words to come that will always bring me stumbling back to real books.

3.       Favorite book of all time?

Ugh that is a tough one. I am going to go with The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath. Even though it is a sad book, it helped me deal with some very hard times when I was in High School and made me realize I had to choose me own path in life, not to let others choose for me.

I saw my life branching out before me like the green fig tree in the story.  From the tip of every branch, like a fat purple fig, a wonderful future beckoned and winked.  One fig was a husband and a happy home and children, and another fig was a famous poet and another fig was a brilliant professor, and another fig was Ee Gee, the amazing editor, and another fig was Europe and Africa and South America, and another fig was Constantin and Socrates and Attila and a pack of other lovers with queer names and offbeat professions, and another fig was an Olympic lady crew champion, and beyond and above these figs were many more figs I couldn’t quite make out.  I saw myself sitting in the crotch of this fig tree, starving to death, just because I couldn’t make up my mind which of the figs I would choose.  I wanted each and every one of them, but choosing one meant losing all the rest, and, as I sat there, unable to decide, the figs began to wrinkle and go black, and, one by one, they plopped to the ground at my feet.

To date I have probably read it at the very least 35 times. I am being completely serious. I think that most people recognize Sylvia as a poet. The Bell Jar is basically an autobiography of Sylvia’s life. It was so honest and raw that it spoke volumes to me. It still does.

4.       Last book you read and how did you rate it?

The last book that I read was Making Faces by Amy Harmon. 5 Stars all the way. She is an amazing storyteller. The first book I read by her was A Different Blue, which Neelam recommended to me, so I was more than excited to read Making Faces. She did not disappoint. I laughed, I ugly cried, I struggled with the characters in their grief. What a superb book.

5.       Aside from reading what do you do with your time?

My husband works incredibly long, crazy hours. So when he finally gets some time off we like to ride on his motorcycle, try new restaurants and generally just spend time together. When we get family time, we enjoy hiking, amusement parks and movie & game nights. Once a year we do a big vacation because we all love to travel.  I also love to cook, baking not so much. I make seriously ugly cakes. I also enjoy singing – I was trained by an opera singer – but I don’t do it much anymore. In fact, most of my friends don’t even know I can sing!

6.       If you could travel anywhere in the world where would it be and why?

Italy, hands down. I love to look at pictures of the countryside and imagine how sweet the air smells, how relaxed I would be. The food and wine alone would be heaven! It is my dream to travel there for my fortieth (oy) birthday. I have been to several places in the Carribbean but never Europe.

7.       If you could go on a date with any fictional male character, who would it be and from what book?

Colleen – I only can pick one?!?! Oh boy….ummm….crap…Travis Maddox from Beautiful Disaster. He was my first indie book boyfriend so I’ll go with him.

8.       Who is a female character you could see yourself being best friends with?

I am going to go with Caroline from Alice Clayton’s Wallbanger. She reminds me of all my best girlfriends rolled into one character.

9.       Is there a fiction genre you just can’t seem to stand or get into?

I am not big on paranormal but I’ll read it. I really like the House of Night series and a couple others but some of it is a little too weird for me. A lot of the dystopian books bother me because I feel like they can’t compare to the Hunger Games. Also erotica with the nasty titles turn my stomach. If I can’t get past a title, how am I going to read the book? Yuck

10.   What is the series that got you hooked on reading?

My best friend growing up, Jen and myself were HOOKED on Sweet Valley High and The Babysitters Club. I also liked Nancy Drew and any R.L. Stein  and Christopher Pike book I could get my hands on.

11.   Were you The Quiet Girl Who was Always Reading, or did you mostly just read at home in secret?

I was and still am the girl that’s always reading. I was an active kid that was involved in dance and theater but I needed the escape that books brought me. I am the youngest with two much older siblings who took up a considerable chunk of my parent’s time so I used reading to lose myself. My books were good company. Even today, I love to travel to the places that they want to take me and experience their magic.

12.   Favorite book to movie adaptation?

That’s a tough one. I don’t generally like or watch a movie after I have read the book. I’ll go with Gone with the Wind because it stayed true to Margaret Mitchell’s story. The Hunger Games was pretty good too.


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4 $5 Amazon Gift Cards

Jeni’s Bookshelf, Reviews, Swag & More Bookmark

Can’t Read Just One t-shirt

C.C Hunter Swag Pack

3 $10 Amazon Gift Cards

1 $2.99 E-Book of Choice

1 E-Book of Choice

Dance with Demons & Angels by Natasha Wetzel

The Edge of Darkness by Melissa Andrea

This Man by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Very Bad Things by Ilsa Madden Mills

Tears of Tess by Pepper Winters

2 E-books under $5

Marked Part 1: The Missing Link by J.M Sevilla

Signed paperback of Guardian & Protector

5 e-copies of Guardian and Protector

5 e-copies of Parts 1-3 of The Things We Can’t Change

5 e-copies of The Summer I Gave Up Boys

5 .99cent e-books of choice

4 $1.99 e-books of choice

1 Signed Indie author swag pack

1 e-copy of Knotted Roots Series by Ruthie Kight

1 e-copy of Burn out by Ruthie Kight

1. Tell us a little about yourself! 
– Hi! I’m Michelle and i’m 31 years old and a mother of 2 beautiful little boys, and married for to myu husband for 9 years.
2. What inspired you/caused you to start your book blog? 
– Well I love to read and my husband had  suggested that I start a Blog since I love to read and so that’s what I did. and i’m totally love’n it.
3. What is your favorite part of running one? 
– I’d have to say my favorite part is getting to meet such wonderful and talented authors.
4. What’s your favorite place and time to read? At home in bed at 2am? Out and about at a coffee shop? 
– I love to read at home. If I read anywhere else I get to distracted and don’t get much reading done,Lol
5. Kindle or regular book? How did you feel about the Kindle to book transition? Did you fight it at first or dive right in?
-I jumped right in! I love the smell of books I also love that I can take 100’s of books with me and that I never run out of things to read.
6. Favorite book of all time? 
– My favorite book of all time is Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead,i’m a total sucker for Vampires,Lol
7. Coolest author you ever got to meet/work with? 
– I got to meet Rachel Caine one year at Dragon*Con and she was so nice and funny! I  bought her new book Working Stiff and she signed it for me and I loved the book and bought book 2 right after when it came out.
8. Tell us about the woman (women) behind the mask? Err blog! 
-Well I don’t really talk that much and so at times I feel that my blog is not really personal and I hate it! I’m a shy person and wish I could be more forward :\
9. Do you prefer a bunch of quick, sweet stand-alone reads or a long drawn out series of epic proportions? 
– I love long series. I’ve read many stand a lone books and I don’t feel Like I really get to know the characters(depending on how long their book is)
10. Last book you read and how did you rate it?  
– The last book I read is called Kiss of the Dhampir by Katrina LaFond and rated it a 4 out of 5 beacuse it was Awesome! I totally loved it and I hope there is a book two.
11. Aside from reading, what else do you do with your time? Or, like me, do things book-related pretty much sum up your life? 
– I love to travel! I live in the mountain of North Carolina so there is always something new to see.
12. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
– I’d have to say Ireland, I just love the beauty of the land and I think the accent is so sexy.
13. If you could meet any author, who would it be? 
– oh wow I’d LOVE to meet Richelle Mead! she is my all time favorite Author and she has had her Book turning into a move and i’m super excited to see it!
14. If you could go on a date with any fictional male character, who would it be, from what book? 
– Oh that is easy! it would be Dimitri from Vampire Academy! he is so sexy and strong…yummmm
15. Who is a female character you could see yourself being best friends with? 
– I’d have to say Clary from the Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare. Clary is  a shy girl untilshe is fed up and then she’s a little fire cracker!
16. Is there a fiction genre you just can’t seem to stand or get into? For me, heavy science fiction is just a no-go.
– I just can’t really seem to get into Historical fiction, it just dose nothing for me.
17. When I say favorite book cover, what’s the first one to come to mind – since I know there probably can’t be just one?
– well the first one that pop’s into my head is Everneath by Brodi Ashton,I’v read the series and LOVED it! and I just Love the covers 🙂
18. What was the series in childhood that got you hooked on reading? For me, my mom forced me to read Little House on the Prairie for school which I ended up loving, and then I found the Redwall series and I just never stopped!
– Well I never liked to read when I was younger, what got me reading what the Twilight series! hahaha funny right? but true ^_^
19. Were you The Quiet Girl Who Was Always Reading, or did you mainly just read at home in secret? 
– I was always the loud mouth girl (depending on my mood) Lol ,now i’m more shyer then I was a few years ago.
20. Do you always read several books at once, or just stick to one at a time? The running joke in my family when I was young was asking me how many books I was reading (usually at least five) and laughing when I could recite the plot for every single one!
– The most I read at one time is 3 books, anything more and they kinda start to blend in :\
21. Favorite book to movie adaption?
– So far i’d have to say City of Bones by Cassandra Clare ❤


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4 $5 Amazon Gift Cards

Jeni’s Bookshelf, Reviews, Swag & More Bookmark

Can’t Read Just One t-shirt

C.C Hunter Swag Pack

3 $10 Amazon Gift Cards

1 $2.99 E-Book of Choice

1 E-Book of Choice

Dance with Demons & Angels by Natasha Wetzel

The Edge of Darkness by Melissa Andrea

This Man by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Very Bad Things by Ilsa Madden Mills

Tears of Tess by Pepper Winters

2 E-books under $5

Marked Part 1: The Missing Link by J.M Sevilla

Signed paperback of Guardian & Protector

5 e-copies of Guardian and Protector

5 e-copies of Parts 1-3 of The Things We Can’t Change

5 e-copies of The Summer I Gave Up Boys

5 .99cent e-books of choice

4 $1.99 e-books of choice

1 Signed Indie author swag pack

1 e-copy of Knotted Roots Series by Ruthie Kight

1 e-copy of Burn out by Ruthie Kight

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Guardian Blurb

Lyla Evans just wants to be left alone; to fly under the radar and not attract attention. After seventeen years, she knows how the game is played. Her parents are hardly ever home, and when they do show up, they’re quick to anger and even quicker with their fists. With foster care comes the threat of being separated from her two younger siblings, and Lyla would die before allowing that to happen. She’s learned to keep her head down and depend on no one but herself and God to get by.

When a strange man starts paying too much attention to her and her siblings, showing up to rescue them and then disappearing without a trace, Lyla begins to panic that everything she’s been hiding is about to come out. But as she slowly becomes friends with Rafael and even trusts him with her deepest fears, Lyla learns he has secrets far bigger than her own that will turn everything in her world upside down.

In this story of abuse and rescue, love and faith, angels and demons, an unlikely friendship grows into a fantastical love story appealing and appropriate for readers young and old alike.


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